Jordan Kasey at Nicelle Beauchene Gallery

Young Brooklyn-based artist Jordan Kasey channels Picasso’s monumental females, Botero’s swollen figures and a sense of the surreal in her huge paintings, now on view at Nicelle Beauchene Gallery. With faces mostly cropped out, ‘Poolside’ foregrounds log-like stacks of limbs belonging to a brand new breed of weighty Titans. (On the Lower East Side through March 12th).

Jordan Kasey, Poolside, oil on canvas, 77 ½ x 108 inches, 2017.

Charles Platt at Freight and Volume Gallery

Architect Charles Platt’s glass-wall contemporary designs are a world away from his collage, now on view on the Lower East Side at Freight and Volume Gallery. This pair of overalls, mounted to canvas and titled ‘The Hired Man’ literally turns the notion of work for hire inside out. (Through Feb 26th).

Charles Platt, The Hired Man, mixed media, 58 x 38 inches, 1959.
Charles Platt, The Hired Man, mixed media, 58 x 38 inches, 1959.

Kader Attia at Lehmann Maupin Gallery

In an eighteen-screen installation set in a warren of cubicles at Lehmann Maupin Gallery, French-Algerian artist Kader Attia explores western vs non-western approaches to mental health in a series of monologues by European and African health professionals. The dehumanizing office environment contrasts the intimacy of each screening space, resulting in an unsettling experience that invites new discoveries. (At Lehmann Maupin’s Lower East Side location through March 4th).

Kader Attia, Reason’s Oxymorons, 18 films and installation of cubicles, duration variable, 13-25 minutes, 2015.
Kader Attia, Reason’s Oxymorons, 18 films and installation of cubicles, duration variable, 13-25 minutes, 2015.

Channing Hansen at CRG Gallery

Using fiber from sheep selectively bred to increase genetic diversity, Channing Hansen creates abstract knit works that derive their patterns from an algorithm that makes use of his own DNA. Complicated back story aside, the artworks entice by evoking the body and the landscapes in vivid color and a wealth of texture. (At CRG Gallery on the Lower East Side through Feb 25th).

Channing Hansen, RFLP:6:29840382:CT, Bluefaced Leicester, California Variegated Mutant (Latham), California Variegated Mutant (Myth), Cashmere, Corriedale, hybrid California Variegated Mutant/Rambou/Cotswold/Border Leicester (Cessna), hybrid Cotswold/Border/Leicester/California Variegated Mu, 54 ¼ x 55 ¼ x 1 ¼ inches, 2016.
Channing Hansen, RFLP:6:29840382:CT, Bluefaced Leicester, California Variegated Mutant (Latham), California Variegated Mutant (Myth), Cashmere, Corriedale, hybrid California Variegated Mutant/Rambou/Cotswold/Border Leicester (Cessna), hybrid Cotswold/Border/Leicester/California Variegated Mu, 54 ¼ x 55 ¼ x 1 ¼ inches, 2016.

James Wines/SITE in ‘The Stand’ at P!

In 1977, James Wines partially buried twenty cars in a strip mall parking lot in Hamden, CT then covered them with asphalt to create an eerie auto graveyard. This maquette for that project, part of a group show at P! gallery on the Lower East Side, conveys a sense of quiet and disbelief upon discovering what looks like remains buried by ash. (Through Feb 26th).

James Wines/SITE, Ghost Parking Lot model, mixed media, 23 ½ x 33 ½ x 7 ¼ inches, 1977.
James Wines/SITE, Ghost Parking Lot model, mixed media, 23 ½ x 33 ½ x 7 ¼ inches, 1977.