Misaki Kawai at The Hole

A giant yellow emoji pillow greets visitors to Misaki Kawai’s latest show at The Hole on the Bowery, signaling that the artist’s sense of humor is still lively.  Her bright, fun, faux-naïve style comes across in text paintings and furry sculptures that invite touch (a sign on the wall and a dispenser of hand sanitizer confirm that this is allowed). Citing the notion of ‘heta-uma,’ or ‘bad but good,’ Kawai challenges notions of taste, but all in good fun.  (On view through Feb 14th. Masks and social distancing are required.)

Misaki Kawai, Moko Moko (Pink), faux fur, felt, wood, steel, 60 x 60 x 12 inches, 2020.

Antoine Catala at 47 Canal

Antoine Catala’s charmingly strange solo show at 47 Canal remakes emojis as extra-terrestrial faces adorning ‘breathing’ socks and shopping bags. Commenting on what he sees as emojis’ sudden ubiquitous and alien presence in our lives, Catala asks what damage is occurring (band-aids are a theme) and how much ‘cute’ we’re willing to consume at what cost. (On view on the Lower East Side through Dec 17th).

Antoine Catala, installation view of ‘Everything is OK,’ at 47 Canal, Nov 2017.