Caroline Wells Chandler in ‘Common Threads’ at Danese Corey

Caroline Wells Chandler’s crocheted smiley creatures run and jump along the gallery wall in Danese Corey Gallery’s textile-related summer group show, ‘Common Threads.’ Goofily happy, they are pure fun. (In Chelsea through July 29th).

Caroline Wells Chandler, installation view in ‘Common Threads’ at Danese Corey Gallery, June 2016.
Caroline Wells Chandler, installation view in ‘Common Threads’ at Danese Corey Gallery, June 2016.

Susie MacMurray at Danese Corey Gallery

Susie MacMurray’s stately ‘Medusa,’ dignifies the maligned mythological character by refashioning her imposing figure in a beautiful surface of tiny, interlocked copper rings. (At Chelsea’s Danese Corey Gallery through May 21st.)

Susie MacMurray, Medusa, handmade copper chain mail over fiberglass and steel armature, 72 x 96 x 96 inches, 2014 – 15.
Susie MacMurray, Medusa, handmade copper chain mail over fiberglass and steel armature, 72 x 96 x 96 inches, 2014 – 15.

Juan Fontanive at Danese Corey Gallery

New York artist Juan Fontanive conjures the delightful flickering motion of butterflies and hummingbirds in motorized frames that act as flipbooks for 72 screen printed images at Chelsea’s Danese Corey. (Through Feb 6th).

 Juan Fontanive, Ornithology P, four-color screen print on Bristol paper, stainless steel, motor and electronics, 5 x 4.25 x 3/75 inches, 2014.

Sandra Allen in ‘Land and Sea’ at Danese Corey

Known for graphite-on-paper drawings of trees, Massachusetts-based artist Sandra Allen creates an almost abstract, immensely powerful image from the trunk of a tree in ‘Ballast’ from 2009. (At Danese Corey through July 31st).

Sandra Allen, Ballast, graphite on paper, 11 x 18.5 feet, 2009.

Ros Chast at Danese Corey

With typical humor, illustrator and New Yorker cartoonist Ros Chast updates the painted egg tradition with a colorful rendition of an anxious Frida Kahlo; in the egg to the left, a giant sign reading ‘buy this’ hints at the commercialism of the holidays. (At Danese Corey in Chelsea through April 18th).

Ros Chast, installation view of ‘Eggs,’ eggshell, dye and polyurethane, approx. 2.25 x 1.625 inches, 2010-13.