Deborah Butterfield at Danese Corey

It’s hard to believe that Deborah Butterfield’s latest horse sculptures are crafted from bronze, the patina applied to their surface is so believable. Each towering creature represents a different animal’s character and mood, making this show a must-see for more than just horse-lovers. (At Chelsea’s Danese Corey through October 11th).

Deborah Butterfield, Otter, unique cast bronze with patina, 91.25 x 117 x 33 inches, 2014.

Cheryl Ann Thomas in ‘Summer’ at Danese Corey

California-based ceramic artist Cheryl Ann Thomas uses the age-old technique of building a vessel from coils of clay, but Thomas’ coils are so fragile, her pots collapse in the kiln. The results are textile-like forms that seem to embody motion. (At Danese Corey through August 1st).

Cheryl Ann Thomas, Relics 300-303, porcelain, 21 x 24 x 27 inches, 2012.

Susie MacMurray at Danese Corey Gallery

British artist Susie MacMurray is known for elegant sculptures and installations created by repeated use of one material or form.  At Danese Corey’s new space on 22nd Street in Chelsea, she fashions household gloves into a regal dress, juxtaposing beautiful refinement and hard work (through Oct 12th).  

Susie MacMurray, A Mixture of Frailties, household gloves turned inside out, calico and dress form, 2004/2013.