Lily Ludlow at Canada

Lily Ludlow’s angular abstractions at first look like x-rays of Cubist paintings, but her deliberately indistinct canvases (actually sanded down) gradually materialize into charged interactions between nude or semi-clothed characters. (At Canada on the Lower East Side through Dec 14th).

Lily Ludlow, The Knifers, acrylic, pencil, graphite, chalk on canvas, 2014.

David Maisel at Yancey Richardson Gallery

During a residency at LA’s Getty Research Institute, photographer David Maisel photographed x-rays made by the conservation department, turning documents of artworks into the artworks themselves and morphing scientific enquiry into ghostly images that suggest mysterious objects. (At Yancey Richardson Gallery through May 10th).

David Maisel, History’s Shadow AB17, archival pigment print, 40 x 30 inches, 2010.