Louise Lawler at Metro Pictures

Iconic appropriation artist Louise Lawler appropriates her own appropriations in her latest show at Chelsea’s Metro Pictures gallery with this black and white tracing of an earlier work, printed on vinyl and hung on an entire gallery wall. Drained of color and magnified, the Pollock above and tureen below seem less dissimilar. (Through July 25th).

Louise Lawler, Pollock and Tureen (traced), signed certificate, installation instructions, and PDF formatted file, dimensions variable, 1984/2013.

Ingrid Calame at James Cohan Gallery

“The whole surface of the world is a potential drawing,” said LA artist Ingrid Calame in a recent interview.  “How do you represent something as huge as the world?”  Calame answers her question by mapping a small section of the world and making it feel large.  For this room-sized installation, Calame visited the Indianapolis Motor Speedway pits, tracing the stains and tire tracks and reproducing them here in a blaze of electric colors.  (At Chelsea’s James Cohan Gallery through Feb 8th.)  

Ingrid Calame, Indianapolis Motor Speedway Pits, #4, #7, #9, #26, #32, #33, #35, #37, #39, #40, as installed:  13’ 5 ½” x 41’ 9” x 30’, pigment on wall, 2013.