Katy Fischer at Louis B. James

Arranged in vitrines or along this long shelf, Katy Fischer’s ceramic objects look like archaeological finds. They’re a humorous take on the notion that ceramics must have use-value and yet provocative in prompting consideration of what those uses might be. (At Lower East Side gallery Louis B. James through May 1st).

Katy Fischer, Shards 6, glazed porcelain and high fire ceramics on wooden shelf, 4 x 44,” 2016.
Katy Fischer, Shards 6, glazed porcelain and high fire ceramics on wooden shelf, 4 x 44,” 2016.

David Korty at Wallspace

LA artist David Korty’s shelf-paintings assemble a set of shapes that combine both positive and negative cut-outs, brushstrokes and patterns, all basic components of the artist’s toolbox. (At Wallspace through March 28th).

David Korty, Blue Shelf #38, ink, paper, pencil, silkscreen and paint on canvas, 79 x 93 inches, 2015.