Matthew Darbyshire at Lisa Cooley Gallery

Using colorful corrugated thermoplastic, British artist Matthew Darbyshire has recreated often-seen items in Airbnb listings, making an otherwise unlikely connection between Michelangelo’s David and an old industrial radiator. (At Lisa Cooley Gallery on the Lower East Side through March 29th).

Matthew Darbyshire, CAPTCHA No. 24- David (foreground), multi-wall polycarbonate, silicone and steel armature, 78.7 x 31.5 x 23.5 inches, 2015.

Air de pied-a-terre at Lisa Cooley Gallery

Lisa Cooley Gallery, Installation view of Air de Pied-a-terre with work by Darren Bader & Matthew Darbyshire, January, 2013.
Lisa Cooley Gallery, Installation view of Air de Pied-a-terre with work by Darren Bader & Matthew Darbyshire, January, 2013.

How do you morph a white-cube gallery into a revitalized, post-industrial space?  Try Matthew Darbyshire’s vinyl banners, based on an architect’s rendering of public space.  They create a pleasingly anodyne setting, perfect to host Darren Bader’s conceptual art piece in which plants and people converse with each other (or in the moment captured here, huddle over an iPhone.) (At Lisa Cooley Gallery, Lower East Side, through Feb 3rd).