Lino Tagliapietra at Heller Gallery

Bold color and abundant detail prompt Heller Gallery to compare master glassmaker and artist Lino Tagliapietra’s pieces to a mini-fireworks display. This vibrant vessel demonstrates many of the techniques that Tagliapietra used as a glassmaker in Murano and which he has generously shared in his world-wide travels. (At Heller Gallery in Chelsea through August 11th).

Lino Tagliapietra, (detail of) Osaka, glass, 22 x 10 ½ x 10 ½ inches, 2012.

Joris Laarman Lab at Friedman Benda Gallery

Examples from Dutch designer Joris Laarman’s ‘Maker’ series, on display at Chelsea’s Friedman Benda Gallery, demonstrate the possibilities this celebrated young designer explores using digital fabrication. Here, resin and walnut undergo an attractive merger. (Through June 14th).

Joris Laarman, Maker Chair (Diagonal), resin and walnut, 31.5 x 23.62 x 25.59 inches, 2014.