Keith Mayerson at Marlborough Contemporary

From Graceland to the former steel town of Bethlehem, PA, an assortment of iconic ‘American’ locations inspired Keith Mayerson’s ambiguous portrait of the country at Marlborough Contemporary. Here, Three Mile Island represents conversations around the definition of ‘clean’ power as the famed sight of a 1979 accident has been slated to close in 2019. (On view in Chelsea through Nov 11th).

Keith Mayerson, Three Mile Island, oil on linen, 32 x 48 inches, 2017.

Keith Mayerson at Marlborough Gallery

Dozens of paintings stacked floor to ceiling on all four walls of Marlborough Gallery’s main space are a portrait of New York artist Keith Mayerson’s life and mass media influences. Judy Garland as Dorothy, MLK, JFK and James Dean make starring appearances in images that establish common ground between viewer and artist by way of our pop culture heritage. (In Chelsea through Dec 23rd).

Keith Mayerson, installation view of ‘My American Dream,’ at Marlborough Gallery, Nov 2015.