Bjorn Friborg at HB381 Gallery

In defiance of the material’s apparent fragility, Danish glassmaker Bjorn Friborg appears to blast through glass spheres, creating portals that allow us to peer through solid forms at Tribeca’s HB381 Gallery.  A metaphor for ‘exposing and revealing the inner self,’ these apertures are created by adding hot material to blown glass and allowing for melting and further color changes with the application of flame.  (On view through Aug 18th).

Bjorn Friborg, Implosion, hand-blown glass, 21.25” h x 17” dia, 2023.

Marianne Huotari in Summer Group Show at HB381

Inspired by a Scandinavian rug-weaving tradition that produces thickly textured textiles, Finnish artist Marianne Huotari creates sculptures made of many small ceramic elements that she hand-sews together onto a metal frame with wire.  Now on view in HB381 Gallery’s summer group show, this piece resembles a standing figure.  On closer inspection, the variety of shapes that make up the piece’s surface recall leaves, fruits and other natural forms; titled ‘Summer Night’s Oasis,’ the sculpture seems to invent a new kind of fruitfulness and visual pleasure.  (On view in Tribeca through Aug 19th).

Marianne Huotari, Kesayon Keidas (Summer Night’s Oasis), glazed stoneware, hand-sewn, 55 h. x 25.5 inches dia., 2020.