Leo Villareal at Pace Gallery

Leo Villareal’s light sculptures have transformed the San Francisco Bay Bridge, the walkway between buildings at DC’s National Gallery and many other high profile sites. On a smaller scale but with no less mesmerizing impact, Villareal has transformed Pace Gallery’s 24th Street location with hanging stainless steel bars displaying an ever-changing combination of LED lights. (On view through June 17th).

Leo Villareal, Ellipse, LEDs, stainless steel, electrical hardware and custom software, 17’ 6 ¾ inches x 10’ 7 ¼ inches x 20’ 5 ¾ inches, 2017.

Jacqueline Humphries at Greene Naftali Gallery

New York abstract painter Jacqueline Humphries imports the digital world into her latest paintings, bringing the painting surface in and out of focus with swirls of silver and purple and using overlays of dots to suggest ellipses or colons thereby signaling interrupted communication or expectation. (At GreeneNaftali in Chelsea through June 20th).

Jacqueline Humphries, :::, oil on linen, 100 x 111 inches, 2014.