Frieda Toranzo Jaeger in ‘Distribuidx’ at Lisson Gallery

Inspired by Helio Oiticica’s practice, Lisson Gallery’s lively summer group show ‘Distribuidx’ includes art that sees bodies and spaces as changeable; further, the show’s theme posits that people can be represented by the things around us.  For Mexico-City based artist Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, cars represent the experience of navigating being queer and in this sculptural painting, the contradictions of our relationship to consumption and the planet.  In ‘Hope the Air Conditioning is On While Facing Global Warming (part I),’ a BMW i8 opens its wing-doors to reflect both the flowers blossoming on nearby trees and an inferno of burning buildings beyond the open doors. (On view through Aug 11th).

Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, Hope the Air Conditioning is On While Facing Global Warming (part I), oil on canvas, overall: 88 x 176 inches, 2017.