Tara Donovan at Pace Gallery

Millions of 3×5 index cards stacked into shapes like termite-mounds and Styrofoam cups clustered on the ceiling to form a giant cloud are among Tara Donovan’s most memorable past installations, serving to make her the master of the accumulated-object-turned-artwork.  For her current show on the 7th floor of Pace Gallery’s Chelsea headquarters, Donovan turns mountains of CD-ROM disks into elegant towers that echo the skyscrapers of Hudson Yards out the window.  Attractive and – as always – begging the question of how the artist and her team had the patience to construct such labor-intensive structures, the new work’s recycled sensibility turns trash into treasure.  (On view through Aug 16th).

Installation view of ‘Stratagems’ at Pace Gallery, July 2024.

Tara Donovan at Pace Gallery

Masses of everyday objects (pencils, cups, index cards) transform into wondrous landscapes, creatures and more in Tara Donovan’s labor-intensive sculptural practice, but her latest show at Pace Gallery elicits awe at purely abstract forms.  Black drinking straws by the thousands create subtle patterned surfaces in the main gallery while manipulated wire screens dipped in ink demonstrate the endless possibilities of transformation on a grid.  The show’s centerpiece is the most interactive, causing visitors to circle around a sphere composed of slim plastic cylinders in an attempt to reconcile how light can make hard plastic appear soft and fuzzy.  (On view at Pace Gallery through March 6th).

Tara Donovan, Sphere, PETG, 6’ x 6’ x 6’, 2020.

Tara Donovan in ‘Material Matters’ at pacegallery.com

Whether she’s transforming plastic cups into glacial landscapes or Styrofoam into clouds, Tara Donovan has a knack for turning masses of everyday materials into wondrous installations.  In this June ’14 image from New York Art Tour’s archives, index cards become termite mounds or stalagmites at Pace Gallery.  The gallery’s current on-line group exhibition, ‘Material Matters,’ features a delightful artwork by Donovan crafted from Slinkys that appear to have massed together and come to life.  (On view through April 21st).

Tara Donovan, Untitled, styrene index cards, metal, wood, paint and glue, 12’ 5 1/2” x 22’ 4” x 22’ 11 1/2”, 2014.

Tara Donovan at Pace Gallery

Known for her masterful use of repeated materials, New York artist Tara Donovan has been busy lately with styrene cards, intuitively stacking the plastic slips in patterns that hint at the natural world, digital patterns and more.  (At Pace Gallery’s 24th Street location through March 18th).

Tara Donvan, Composition (Cards), styrene cards and glue, 22 ¼ x 22 ¼ x 4 inches, 2017.

Tara Donovan at Pace Gallery

Tara Donovan does it again with two new sculptures at Chelsea’s Pace Gallery created in her signature style – multiplying an everyday object by millions to create a wondrous installation. Here, index cards suggest fairy chimneys or termite mounds to astonishing effect. (Through June 28th).

Tara Donovan, Untitled, styrene index cards, metal, wood, paint and glue, 12’ 5 1/2” x 22’ 4” x 22’ 11 1/2”, 2014.