Alan Wiener at 11R

Displayed under glass and supported by carefully crafted supports, Alan Wiener’s two bricks and a stone are everyday objects given the royal treatment but the mini-pedestals actually steal the show. Created from aquaresin in controlled pours, their shapes suggest candy, bones and ancient architectural embellishments. (At 11R through July 29th).

Installation view of Alan Wiener’s Untitled (8), Untitled (6) and Untitled (5) from 2014 and 2015 in aquaresin, brick and stone at 11R, June, 2016.
Installation view of Alan Wiener’s Untitled (8), Untitled (6) and Untitled (5) from 2014 and 2015 in aquaresin, brick and stone at 11R, June, 2016.

Eve Ackroyd in ‘On Painting’ at Kent Fine Art

Abstracted eyes float before a male and a female head like afterimages in strangely ethereal canvases by New York-based Brit Eve Ackroyd. Evocative of dream-states, Ackroyd’s paintings bring to mind simultaneous layers of experience, from the conscious to the unconscious, memory to the present moment. (In ‘On Painting’ at Kent Fine Art in Chelsea through July 29th).

Eve Ackroyd, Untitled (Face with Falling Eyes), 11 x 14 inches, acrylic on canvas, 2016 and (on the right) Untitled (Closed Eyes) acrylic on canvas, 9 x 12 inches.
Eve Ackroyd, Untitled (Face with Falling Eyes), 11 x 14 inches, acrylic on canvas, 2016 and (on the right) Untitled (Closed Eyes) acrylic on canvas, 9 x 12 inches.

Robert Raphael in ‘Ceramics’ at LMAK Gallery

Robert Raphael’s cool-colored constructions of ropes are actually created in ceramic, rendering a traditionally functional material functionless. (At LMAK Gallery through July 30th.)

Robert Raphael, Untitled (Rope Study), ceramic glaze, 20 x 16 x 14 inches, unique, 2015.
Robert Raphael, Untitled (Rope Study), ceramic glaze, 20 x 16 x 14 inches, unique, 2015.

Nicole Eisenman in ‘If Only Bella Abzug Were Here’ at Marc Straus Gallery

Masks populate the mask-like features of ‘Whatever Guy,’ a portrait by Nicole Eisenman of a zoned-out and alienated character. (At Marc Straus Gallery through July 29th).

Nicole Eisenman, Whatever Guy, oil on canvas, 2009, 82 x 65 inches, 2009.
Nicole Eisenman, Whatever Guy, oil on canvas, 2009, 82 x 65 inches, 2009.

John Kelsey in ‘Landscapes’ at Marlborough Gallery

A phenomenal landscape meets a monumental project to collect data at mind-boggling expense ($1b+) in John Kelsey’s pretty watercolor of an NSA Data Center in Williams, Utah. (At Marlborough Gallery through July 29th).

John Kelsey, NSA Data Center, Camp Williams, UT, watercolor, mounted on aluminum, 12 ¼ x 16 1/8 inches, 2013.
John Kelsey, NSA Data Center, Camp Williams, UT, watercolor, mounted on aluminum, 12 ¼ x 16 1/8 inches, 2013.