Mernet Larsen in ‘Dream Machines’ at James Cohan Gallery

Part of ‘Dream Machines,’ an exhibition that ponders how in daily life, ‘the real and imaginary cease to be contradictory,’ Mernet Larsen’s surreal ‘Sunday Drive’ is both plausible and impossible at once. Her orange-toned factory fresh figures are perfect but creepy, giving viewers pause to reconsider the serendipity of an American tradition. (At James Cohan Gallery’s Chelsea location through July 28th).

Mernet Larsen, Sunday Drive, oil on canvas, 30 x 48 inches, 1986.

Dieter Roth at Hauser & Wirth Gallery

Six hundred binders hold plastic sleeves filled with studio waste in a huge installation of books and other material created by Dieter Roth and his son and collaborator, Bjorn Roth currently at Hauser & Wirth Gallery in Chelsea. Every piece of trash less than 5mm thick found its way into a binder in the years 1975-76, resulting in a portrait of the artist told through postcards, cigarette butts, packaging and more. ‘The worse it looks, the better,’ Roth noted on one binder. (On view through July 29th).

Installation view of ‘Books. Dieter Roth. Bjorn Roth. Studio,’ Hauser and Wirth Gallery, April 27 – July 28, 2017.

Susan Lichtman at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects

The canvas barely manages to contain an angled view of a screened window by painter Susan Lichtman, reflecting an outdoor scene from her Massachusetts home. With one window panel opening toward viewers, the painting appears to project itself into Steven Harvey Fine Art Project’s narrow gallery space, an arresting and dynamic move that belies an apparently tranquil domestic scene. (On the Lower East Side through July 15th).

Susan Lichtman, Cookout, oil on linen, 64 x 58 inches, 2016.

Joanna Pousette-Dart in ‘Aspects of Abstraction’ at Lisson Gallery

Though abstract, Joanna Pousette-Dart’s paintings are inspired by landscapes she has experienced in her travels to New Mexico. In this new piece created for Lisson Gallery’s summer survey of select abstract painting, the bright light of day fades to dark night in a progression of curving canvases. (On view in Lisson Gallery’s 10th Avenue location through August 11th).

Joanna Pousette-Dart, 3 Part Variation #11, acrylic on canvas on wood panels, 174.6 x 218.4cm, 2017.

Lino Tagliapietra at Heller Gallery

Bold color and abundant detail prompt Heller Gallery to compare master glassmaker and artist Lino Tagliapietra’s pieces to a mini-fireworks display. This vibrant vessel demonstrates many of the techniques that Tagliapietra used as a glassmaker in Murano and which he has generously shared in his world-wide travels. (At Heller Gallery in Chelsea through August 11th).

Lino Tagliapietra, (detail of) Osaka, glass, 22 x 10 ½ x 10 ½ inches, 2012.