Romare Bearden at DC Moore Gallery

At the end of Romare Bearden’s ‘Bayou Fever,’ a 1979 ballet storyboarded by the artist but never performed, all problems are resolved and ‘The Emperor of the Golden Trumpet’ plays for the characters as they travel to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. One of twenty-one panels, this artwork demonstrates Bearden’s wonderful storytelling capacity and facility with collage. (At DC Moore Gallery through April 29th).

Romare Bearden, one of twenty-one panels from ‘Bayou Fever,’ approx. 6 x 9 inches, collage, acrylic, ink and pencil on fiberboard, 1979.

Yoshitomo Nara at Pace Gallery

Though Yoshitomo Nara’s new work at Pace Gallery is based on traditional Japanese vessel forms, the new ceramic works continue Nara’s practice of tapping into contemporary youth cultures. Whether disaffected or conformist, Nara’s young characters are less the free spirits they normally are; as portly jugs, they come across as more contained.   (At Pace Gallery’s 25th Street location through April 29th).

Yoshitomo Nara, installation view of ‘Thinker’ at Pace Gallery, April 2017.

Shen Shaomin at Klein Sun Gallery

This painting is from the MoMA series, but it’s never been in the Museum of Modern Art. Instead, this piece of rogue modernism is a remake of Van Gogh’s famous Starry Night, painted by Chinese artist and provocateur Shen Shaomin to look as if it’s covered in bubble wrap. Even the packing tape is painted, not just trying to impress as trompe l’oeil, but suggesting that famous paintings are just another commodity. (At Klein Sun Gallery in Chelsea through April 29th).

Shen Shaomin, Handle with Care – MoMA No. 6, oil on canvas, 29 x 36 ¼ inches, 2017.

Thiago Rocha Pitta at Marianne Boesky Gallery

A tent of wet cement appears to either disgorge or swallow a lush spill of mosses in Brazilian artist Thiago Rocha Pitta’s ‘The First Green,’ an installation at Marianne Boesky Gallery in Chelsea. Though the scene appears to be a static standoff between the survival of man or nature, Rocha Pitta avoids thinking in binaries. On the wall, frescos resemble ancient microorganisms performing photosynthesis, producing oxygen, and continuing a process that has gone on for billions of years. (On view through April 29th).

Thiago Rocha Pitta, installation view of ‘The First Green’ at Marianne Boesky Gallery, April, 2017.

Jackie Saccoccio at 11R

Jackie Saccoccio tilts and shifts her canvas while pouring paint to create a grid of drips; in her latest work, the grid both dominates the paintings and disintegrates in vibrant, explosive colors. (At 11R on the Lower East Side through April 30th).

Jackie Saccoccio, Time (Splinter), oil and mica on linen, 79 x 90 inches, 2017.