Trevor Paglen at Metro Pictures

Photographer Trevor Paglen’s past images of surveillance culture (NSA data centers, drone images) zeroed in on info and images gathered by the authorities. For his latest show at Metro Pictures, Paglen turns his attention to pictures analyzed via artificial intelligence. In this detail of a wall of photos, the artist Hito Steyerl posed for hundreds of portraits that were analyzed by facial-analysis algorithms, turning age, emotional state, gender and more into a set of numbers.  (On view in Chelsea through Oct 21st).

Trevor Paglen, Machine Readable Hito, adhesive wall material, 193 x 55 1/8 inches, 2017.

Bayne Peterson at Kristen Lorello

Bayne Peterson’s dyed plywood sculpture brings to mind an abacus, cairns, written script or a kid’s bead and wire toy. Now more complex in their patterning and overall shape, Peterson’s new sculptures at Kristen Lorello Gallery on the Lower East Side also owe their inspiration to still life painting and historical vessels. (On view through Oct 14th).

Bayne Peterson, Untitled, dyed plywood, dyed epoxy, 15 1/8 x 21 ½ x 5 ¼ inches, 2017.

Christian Marclay at Paula Cooper Gallery

Though it looks like a memorial to the landline, Christian Marclay’s ‘Boneyard,’ now on view at Paula Cooper Gallery, is from 1990, part of a selection of past work by the artist addressing one of his signature themes. (On view in Chelsea through Oct 7th).

Christian Marclay, Boneyard, hydrostone casts of telephone receivers, in 750 parts, dimensions variable, 1990.


Christian Faur at Kim Foster Gallery

This knock-out image of peonies assembled from hand-cast crayons opens Ohio-based artist Christian Faur’s latest solo show at Kim Foster Gallery. Also including an unmissable umbrella covered in human hair and a surprisingly robust U.S. flag crafted from currency, this exhibition has a high ‘wow’ factor. (On view in Chelsea through Oct 7th).

Christian Faur, Peonies, hand cast encaustic crayons, 55 x 69 inches, 20 panels.

Tiffany Chung at Tyler Rollins Fine Art

Tiffany Chung’s meticulous maps plot migration crises around the world, turning conflict into art that informs. In this detail from an eleven-foot long embroidered world map at Tyler Rollins Fine Art, circles stand in for groups of internally displaced people offering a glimpse into the magnitude of global upheaval. (On view through Oct 21st in Chelsea).

Tiffany Chung, (detail of) IDMC: numbers of worldwide conflicts and disaster IDPs by end of 2016, embroidery on fabric, 55 x 137 ¾ inches, 2017.