Sam Samore at Team Gallery, part II

Sam Samore, Lips Tower #7, 2012, installation view.
Sam Samore, Lips Tower #7, 2012, installation view.

Lips and eyes fill Team Gallery’s 47 Wooster St space in SoHo where Sam Samore (whose 1973 ‘Suicidist’ photos were featured here yesterday) continues to summon filmic moments, offering seduction on an enormous scale.  Here, Lips Tower (#7) resembles a stacked sculpture by Minimalist Donald Judd, though the serial units – lips – are the antithesis of the Minimalists’ cold aesthetic.

Sam Samore, 1973, at Team Gallery

Sam Samore, 'The Suicidist #11,' gelatin silver print, 1973.
Sam Samore, ‘The Suicidist #11,’ gelatin silver print, 1973.

Thirty-nine years ago, artist Sam Samore killed himself by asphyxiation, stabbing, overdose, and in an amusingly absurd twist, being buried head first in a sandbox.   Photos of these grisly, staged deaths from his 1973 ‘The Suicidist’ series and many more line the walls of SoHo’s Team Gallery recalling film stills both familiar and bizarre. (At Team Gallery’s 83 Grand Street location through October 27th).

Jonah Freeman & Justin Lowe at Marlborough Gallery Chelsea

Jonah Freeman & Justin Lowe, Stray Light Grey installation view at Marlborough Gallery Chelsea, 2012.
Jonah Freeman & Justin Lowe, Stray Light Grey installation view at Marlborough Gallery Chelsea, 2012.

Jonah Freeman and Justin Lowe’s latest feat of installation art takes visitors through a series of rooms, transporting us into both strange and familiar worlds.  This show is the talk of the town, art-wise, and is a stop on this Saturday afternoon’s Chelsea Gallery Tour, 2-4pm.  For more info, see the scheduled tours page.  (At Chelsea’s Marlborough Gallery through Oct 27th).

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye at Jack Shainman Gallery

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Acid for an Act, oil on canvas, 2012.
Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Acid for an Act, oil on canvas, 2012.

The young British artist Lynette Yiadom-Boakye was a standout in last spring’s New Museum Triennial.  She’s back with a show of new paintings at Chelsea’s Jack Shainman Gallery titled ‘All Manner of Needs’ in which solitary subjects gaze out at us with searching eyes. (Through October 13th.)

Gelitin at Greene Naftali Gallery


Gelitin, Beckett Bucket, mixed media, 2012.
Gelitin, Beckett Bucket, mixed media, 2012.

‘You break it, you buy it’ does not apply at the Austrian art collective Gelatin’s latest solo show at Greene Naftali in Chelsea, where the point is to send art objects flying in order to ‘finish’ them.  Pressing the pedal to send objects like these crashing to the floor feels as wrong as dropping a baby, regardless of their artistic merit (or lack thereof).  (Through Nov 13th.)

Gelitin, Beckett Bucket (detail), mixed media, 2012.
Gelitin, Beckett Bucket (detail), mixed media, 2012.