Mark Bradford at Sikkema Jenkins & Co

Mark Bradford, We May Be Running Out of a Past, mixed media collage on canvas, 102 x 144 inches, 2012.
Mark Bradford, We May Be Running Out of a Past, mixed media collage on canvas, 102 x 144 inches, 2012.

Mark Bradford is back with more of the mixed media collage/decollage canvases that have made his reputation as a leading contemporary abstract artist, like this mixed media on canvas piece, ‘We May Be Running Out of a Past.’  His latest solo show at Chelsea’s Sikkema Jenkins & Co opened this evening, showcasing eight huge, vibrantly colored pieces that don’t evidence a new direction for the artist but do explain his popularity. (Through Dec 15th .)

Zhan Wang in the 590 Madison Ave Atrium

Zhan Wang, Jiashanshi No 106, stainless steel, 2006.
Zhan Wang, Jiashanshi No 106, stainless steel, 2006.

In the 90s, Zhan Wang caused a stir in China by intervening in the landscaping around new, modern buildings by replacing natural rock formations with his large, chrome-covered stainless steel scholars rocks.  In the atrium of 590 Madison Ave, the ‘stones’ are in keeping with the glass wall and bamboo plantings, but they still have a ghostly, shape-shifting presence.

Al Taylor at David Zwirner Gallery

Al Taylor, Cans & Hoops, plastic hula hoops, tin cans, wire, 1993.
Al Taylor, Cans & Hoops, plastic hula hoops, tin cans, wire, 1993.

Strapped for cash to buy art supplies after a trip to Africa in the early 80s, Al Taylor started fashioning sculptures from material found on the street, transferring his usual work on paper and canvas to three dimensions.  Cans & Hoops – fashioned from plastic hula hoops, tin cans & wire – allows his 2-D drawings to come alive in real space. (At David Zwirner Gallery, through Oct 27th).

Chuck Close at Pace Gallery

Chuck Close, Kara/Felt Hand Stamp, oil paint on handmade, Twinrocker/Hot Press paper with Feature Decal, 2012.
Chuck Close, Kara/Felt Hand Stamp, oil paint on handmade, Twinrocker/Hot Press paper with Feature Decal, 2012.

With over 200 solo shows to his credit, Chuck Close is one of America’s best known artists, and he’s still pushing the boundaries of his craft.  His latest solo show at Pace Gallery’s 534 W. 25th Street space features oil paintings, watercolors made with a printer and other works, including this portrait of artist Kara Walker made with oil and a felt hand stamp. (Through Dec 22nd.)

Mickalene Thomas at Brooklyn Museum

Mickalene Thomas, Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe:  les trois femmes noires, 2010.
Mickalene Thomas, Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe: les trois femmes noires, 2010.

Mickalene Thomas’s ‘Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe:  Les trois femmes noires,’ rethinks Manet’s 1863 original by substituting three black women for Manet’s two men and a nude woman. Manet’s version was rejected by the Salon, while Thomas’s rhinestone bedecked beauties headline her current show at the Brooklyn Museum (Through Jan 20th.)