Nora Schultz in ‘See sun, and think shadow’ at Barbara Gladstone Gallery

Inspired by a poem that describes a shaft of sunlight that, contrary to its nature, brings darkness to mind, Barbara Gladstone Gallery’s summer group exhibition includes Nora Schultz’s enormous, ungainly window blinds, which look as if they were crafted by a giant’s child. Installed in the room furthest from the sun, their functionality is denied, their obtusely large and rough construction emphasized. (In Chelsea through July 29th).

Nora Schultz, installation view of  two pieces titled ‘Window Blinds,’ aluminum, metal hooks, and nylon rope, 100 x 133 x 9 inches, and 90 x 109 x 9 ½ inches, 2015.
Nora Schultz, installation view of two pieces titled ‘Window Blinds,’ aluminum, metal hooks, and nylon rope, 100 x 133 x 9 inches, and 90 x 109 x 9 ½ inches, 2015.