Terry Adkins at Salon 94 Bowery & Freemans

Known for making artwork relating to lesser-known facts about historically important figures, Brooklyn & Philadelphia artist Terry Adkins turns his sights to George Washington Carver & Yves Klein in his Lower East Side show.  Using apple pickers to refer to Carver’s efforts to move away from the ubiquity of cotton, and blown glass to recall Yves Klein’s fiery, transformative performances, Adkins invites us to read meaning into his subtly reworked histories.   (At Salon94 Bowery and Salon 94 Freemans on the Lower East Side through Jan 11th).

Terry Adkins, installation view of Nenuphar at Salon94 Bowery, November, 2013.  Sculpture in foreground: Terry Adkins, Harvest Montgomery, blown glass, apple picker, fiberglass and aluminum pole, 2013.