Seth Price at Petzel Gallery

Seth Price starts many pieces in his show of new work at Petzel Gallery by working with an AI to generate an image, which he prints onto a surface and embellishes with paint, applied by brush or his own body.  He photographs what he’s created, then uses software to add virtual objects to the digital image.  Finally, he prints these later additions back onto the original painting in a back and forth digital/analogue process that foregrounds the collaboration between artist and machine.  The depth in many images is created by metallic, cylindrical shapes that disrupt easy reading of a flat, painted surface and create visual interest in this arrestingly unusual body of work. (On view in Chelsea through June 3rd).

Seth Price, Weeptober, acrylic paint, generatively produced image reverse-transferred into acrylic polymer, and UV-print on aluminum composite, 96 x 76 1/8 x 1 inches, 2022-23.

Seth Price at Petzel Gallery

Seth Price, installation view at Friedrich Petzel Gallery, 2012.
Seth Price, installation view at Friedrich Petzel Gallery, 2012.

Known for vacuum forming objects (masks, a bomber jacket) in polystyrene, Seth Price explores new sealing options with giant fabric envelopes in his latest solo show – the inaugural exhibition in Petzel Gallery’s beautiful (pre-flood anyway) new 18th Street location.  Printed with patterns derived from financial businesses like Capital One and Paychex logos, the envelopes suggest an unclear but persistent connection between art and commerce.  (Through Dec 22nd.)