Future Retrieval at Denny Dimin Gallery

Inspired by their residency at the natural-history treasure-trove, The Lloyd Library and Museum in Cincinnati, artist duo Future Retrieval have filled Denny Dimin Gallery in Tribeca with sculpture, cut paper and rugs inspired by the natural world.  Here, an image of mushrooms carefully crafted from cut-paper towers over porcelain specimens, together creating a mini-garden celebrating fungal diversity. Called a ‘mycological trophy case’ by the artists, the piece pays homage to mycologist Curtis Gates Lloyd’s extensive research and study.  (On view through June 4th).

Future Retrieval, Fungiculture, porcelain, cut paper, wood, 47 x 38 x 12 inches, ’21 – ’22.

Carsten Holler at Gagosian Gallery

Seven hallucinogenic mushroom replica spin like a model of the solar system in Carsten Holler’s ‘Flying Mushrooms’ sculpture at Gagosian Gallery, pointing to out-of-body experience, experienced in person in the gallery. Holler’s first show since 2011 (when he installed a slide and sensory deprivation chambers at the New Museum), this interactive exhibition is sure to be another crowd pleaser. (On view on 24th Street in Chelsea through August 8th).

Carsten Holler, Flying Mushrooms, polyester mushroom replicas, polyester paint, synthetic resin, acrylic paint, wire, putty, polyurethane, rigid foam, stainless steel, 200 3/8 x 339 3/8 x 339 3/8 inches, unique, 2015.