Paul Pfeiffer at Paula Cooper Gallery

An unseen opponent batters James Kirkland with blows that literally make the flesh on his face shake in Paul Pfeiffer’s powerful video at Paula Cooper Gallery. By collaging together short clips that feature direct hits to the head and body and digitally removing Kirkland’s adversary, Pfeiffer focuses attention on the violence of boxing and turns fighter into victim. (In Chelsea through Nov 12th).

Paul Pfeiffer, Caryatid (Kirkland), digital video loop, chromed 32” color television with embedded media player, 27 x 30 x 19 inches, unique, 2016.
Paul Pfeiffer, Caryatid (Kirkland), digital video loop, chromed 32” color television with embedded media player, 27 x 30 x 19 inches, unique, 2016.