George Woodman in ‘Contrapposto and Other Stories’ at Jeff Bailey Gallery

Made with a camera obscura, George Woodman’s photo ‘Grapes, a Mexican Bride, and a Classical Harvest’ uses old technology to create a scene that evokes nostalgia for different eras of history. (At Jeff Bailey Gallery through August 8th.)

George Woodman, Grapes, a Mexican Bride, and a Classical Harvest, gelatin silver print, 42 x 39.5 inches, 1999.

Mark Shetabi at Jeff Bailey Gallery

Mark Shetabi’s white, pleasingly symmetrical airport baggage carousel evokes James Turrell’s models for sky-viewing structures (recently exhibited at Pace Gallery).  But while both artists conjure a powerful moment of waiting and wondering, Shetabi’s clever take on minimalist forms is more anxious than sublime.   (At Chelsea’s Jeff Bailey Gallery though June 22nd).  

Mark Shetabi, Carousel, wood, polystyrene, modeling paste, acrylic, linen, sandpaper, old T-shirt, and Plexiglas, 2013.