Claire Zeisler in ‘The Time is Now’ at Michael Rosenfeld Gallery

Known for creating fiber art without a loom, late artist Claire Zeisler sometimes evoked the natural world in works that seemed to pour and pool like water. Here, a vivid red piece evokes fire, lava, blood and more, eliciting strong and even conflicting responses. (At Michael Rosenfeld Gallery in Chelsea through August 4th).

Claire Zeisler, Untitled, colored fiber construction, 36 ½ x 43 x 42 inches, c. 1969.

Josep Grau-Garriga at Salon94 Bowery

In this boldly textured, late-career work by the Spanish artist Josep Grau-Garriga, soothing blue color and thick nautical-like rope recall the sea. Part of a handsome exhibition that presents work from the last forty years of the artist’s life, including early work evoking political violence, this piece evokes summons both the tranquility of the beach and excitement of the sea. (At Salon94 Bowery on the Lower East Side through June 3rd).

Joseph Grau-Garriga, Amarra, wool, cotton, rope, 43.31 x 70.87 inches, 2006.

Channing Hansen at CRG Gallery

Using fiber from sheep selectively bred to increase genetic diversity, Channing Hansen creates abstract knit works that derive their patterns from an algorithm that makes use of his own DNA. Complicated back story aside, the artworks entice by evoking the body and the landscapes in vivid color and a wealth of texture. (At CRG Gallery on the Lower East Side through Feb 25th).

Channing Hansen, RFLP:6:29840382:CT, Bluefaced Leicester, California Variegated Mutant (Latham), California Variegated Mutant (Myth), Cashmere, Corriedale, hybrid California Variegated Mutant/Rambou/Cotswold/Border Leicester (Cessna), hybrid Cotswold/Border/Leicester/California Variegated Mu, 54 ¼ x 55 ¼ x 1 ¼ inches, 2016.
Channing Hansen, RFLP:6:29840382:CT, Bluefaced Leicester, California Variegated Mutant (Latham), California Variegated Mutant (Myth), Cashmere, Corriedale, hybrid California Variegated Mutant/Rambou/Cotswold/Border Leicester (Cessna), hybrid Cotswold/Border/Leicester/California Variegated Mu, 54 ¼ x 55 ¼ x 1 ¼ inches, 2016.

Sheila Hicks at Sikkema Jenkins & Co

Titled after a step-well leading down to water, Sheila Hicks’ large wall hanging, Baoli, offers a dynamic surface, with colorful areas leading the eye into the depths, lighter areas suggesting a solid surface on which the eye can rest. (At Sikkema Jenkins & Co through Nov 28th).

Sheila Hicks, Baoli, natural linen, triple-dyed embroidery cotton, 114 x 63 x 8 inches, 2014.

Judith Scott at Brooklyn Museum

Enabled to create her art through Oakland’s ‘Creative Growth’s studio program for artists with disabilities, Judith Scott spent the last almost 20 years of her creative life crafting yarn, thread and other materials into dense bundles. The piece in the foreground testifies to her drive – when no other materials were available to her, she gathered paper toweling from the restroom or kitchen to use. (At the Brooklyn Museum, through March 29th).

Installation view of ‘Judith Scott’ at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Foreground: Judith Scott, Untitled, fiber and found objects, 27 x 23 x 17 inches, 1994.