Addie Wagenknecht in ‘Embedded Parables’ at Bitforms Gallery

As machines take over tasks formerly performed by people, Addie Wagenknecht’s programmed Roomba has complicated the role of the artist.  In her past work using Yves Klein blue, the Roomba replaced the female bodies Klein used as paintbrushes. Here, the machine paints using a mix of art media (linseed oil and turpentine), grooming products (cosmetics, botox and perfume) and stimulants (wine, tequila and CBD oil) suggesting the symbolic expressive potential of non-traditional art media.  (On view in ‘Embedded Parables’ at Bitforms on the Lower East Side through Jan 19th).

Addie Wagenknecht, Night to Morning, linseed oil, turpentine, cosmetic pigments, oolong tea, white wine, tequila, CBD oil, botox, JULIETTE HAS A GUN Not a Perfume perfume, lubricant, 81 x 41 inches, 2019.