Eden Seifu at Deli Gallery

Self-taught young Seattle-based painter Eden Seifu’s second solo show at Deli Gallery in Tribeca pits joy against terror in spiritually-oriented paintings brimming with energy.  In ‘Our Joined Hands Make a Landing Strip for Angels,’ a loving couple’s clasped hands create a pathway in the air on which tiny angels dance while ‘I Don’t Care if the Black Dog Gets Me’ pictures the horror of an attack on a young woman.  Here, the title figure in ‘The Angel of Pilgrimage’ holds a shell, a symbol for the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain, reminding viewers of the pathways on which we all, with more or less awareness, tread. (On view through July 21st).

Eden Seifu, The Angel of Pilgrimage, acrylic on canvas, 28 x 22 inches, 2023.