Andy Freeberg at Andrea Meislin Gallery

Art fairs draw private transactions and moments into the public eye, making them fertile subject matter for street-style photography. San Francisco artist Andy Freeberg’s series ‘Art Fare’ captures quirkily funny moments like this one, in which art handlers become part of the installation. (At Chelsea’s Andrea Meislin Gallery through August 8th).

Andy Freeberg, Anne de Villepoix, archival pigment print, 30 x 45 inches, 2011.

Andy Freeberg at Andrea Meislin Gallery

On a trip to Russia, New York photographer Andy Freeberg was struck by the characterful older women who act as museum guards in the country’s major museums.  In a fascinating series titled ‘Guardians,’ Freeberg captures the unposed women as their postures and expressions reflect or contrast the surrounding art. (At Andrea Meislin Gallery through March 2nd).  

Andy Freeberg, Mikhail Nesterov’s Blessed St Sergius of Radonezh, Russian State Museum, archival pigment print, 2009.