Peter Voulkos at Franklin Parrasch Gallery

Despite ceramicist Peter Voulkos’ huge influence on contemporary ceramic art, New York hasn’t been treated to a solo presentation of his work since 1997.  Through this week, 57th Street gallery Franklin Parrasch breaks the dry spell with a sampling of work from the 50s to the 90s from a single private collection.  (Through Nov 23rd).  

Peter Voulkos, Iron Head, ceramic, 1990.

Philip Guston at McKee Gallery

To celebrate the centenary of the late Philip Guston’s birth, McKee Gallery is showing key later work by the artist who is known for his unnerving cartoonish figures such as this duo in Klan hoods who navigate urban streets with a car full of bodies at sunrise. (At 745 Fifth Ave, through April 20th)  

Philip Guston, ‘Dawn,’ oil on canvas,1970.