Though told as a student that horses weren’t ‘serious’ subjects for contemporary art, Deborah Butterfield persevered to become renowned for sensitive and powerful sculptures of horses created in materials from salvaged metal to sea plastics. Best-known are her bronze pieces that still appear to be made of the wood from which they were cast, an enticing illusion. In a show of new work at Chelsea’s Marlborough Gallery, Butterfield sourced wood from near her home/working horse ranch in Montana and property in Hawaii to create towering horses like this one titled ‘Sweetgrass,’ which, though its assembled form is light like a sketch created in wood, has a powerful presence in keeping with its weighty bronze manufacture. (On view through Jan 14th).
Deborah Butterfield at Danese Corey Gallery
Man meets nature in this bronze sculpture by Deborah Butterfield, who has cast wood and marine debris collected from the Gulf of Alaska into one of her signature, horse sculptures. Butterfield’s sensitive renderings of horses bring us closer to the natural world; here, they poignantly speak to nature’s endurance in the face of environmental degradation. (At Danese Corey Gallery in Chelsea through June 23rd).
Deborah Butterfield at Danese Corey
It’s hard to believe that Deborah Butterfield’s latest horse sculptures are crafted from bronze, the patina applied to their surface is so believable. Each towering creature represents a different animal’s character and mood, making this show a must-see for more than just horse-lovers. (At Chelsea’s Danese Corey through October 11th).
Deborah Butterfield, Otter, unique cast bronze with patina, 91.25 x 117 x 33 inches, 2014.