Claire Sherman at DC Moore Gallery

Inspired by sublime landscapes she’s encountered on road trips, Claire Sherman pictures the majestic outdoors as studies in light and form. (At DC Moore Gallery through Nov 5th).

Claire Sherman, Island, oil on canvas, 102 x 84 inches, 2016.
Claire Sherman, Island, oil on canvas, 102 x 84 inches, 2016.

GCC at Mitchell-Innes & Nash Gallery

Against the backdrop of rapid urban development in the Persian Gulf countries, the artist collective GCC examines the parallel trends toward the pursuit of happiness and health. Here, a woman practices a new age, healing therapy on her son. They stand in sand, a symbol of the landscape, inside a racing track reminiscent of the region’s many new urban walkways. (At Chelsea’s Mitchell-Innes and Nash through Nov 23rd).

GCC, installation view of Positive Pathways (+), at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, Oct 2016.
GCC, installation view of Positive Pathways (+), at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, Oct 2016.

Merlin James at Sikkema Jenkins & Co

Glasgow painter Merlin James suggests a sweeping landscape with an extreme economy of means in this painting on nylon at Sikkema Jenkins & Co. A tree overlooking a placid shoreline dominates the foreground while lighter tones at center and a few intersecting diagonal lines to the left suggest distant, mountainous terrain. (In Chelsea through Nov 12th).

Merlin James, An Old Tree, nylon fabric, wood frame, acrylic paint, 100 x 66 cm, 2016.
Merlin James, An Old Tree, nylon fabric, wood frame, acrylic paint, 100 x 66 cm, 2016.

Caitlin Keogh at Bortolami Gallery

Incomplete female bodies are Brooklyn painter Caitlin Keogh’s signature subject matter, so it’s fitting that human hands are alluded to in this painting titled, ‘The Gentle Art of Making Friends.’ Intertwined with flowers reminiscent of medieval tapestries, this decorative pattern of weaponry has been (temporarily at least) converted into a trellis evoking a well-groomed garden more than an arsenal. (At Bortolami Gallery through Oct 29th).

Caitlin Keogh, The Gentle Art of Making Friends, acrylic on canvas, 96 x 72 inches, 2016.
Caitlin Keogh, The Gentle Art of Making Friends, acrylic on canvas, 96 x 72 inches, 2016.

Jessica Segall at Cuchifritos Gallery

Jessica Segall’s light sculptures are off the grid in a uniquely local way at Cuchifritos Gallery, nestled in a corner of the Essex Street Market. Lemons and plantains speak of far-away climes but have been sourced from a nearby market stall and wired to produce power to (dimly) light this chandelier. (On the Lower East Side through Oct 30th).

Jessica Segall, installation view of ‘When Life Gives you Lemons, Make Chandeliers’ at Cuchifritos Gallery and Project Space, Oct 2016.
Jessica Segall, installation view of ‘When Life Gives you Lemons, Make Chandeliers’ at Cuchifritos Gallery and Project Space, Oct 2016.