Isabella Kirkland at Feature, Inc.

Isabella Kirkland, Nova:  Canopy, oil paint on polyester over wood panel, 2008.
Isabella Kirkland, Nova: Canopy, oil paint on polyester over wood panel, 2008.

Titled ‘Nova: Canopy,’ this meticulously detailed painting by Isabella Kirkland (an artist and a research associate in the department of aquatic biology at the California Academy of Sciences) brings together plants and creatures found in the rainforest canopy, though not all in the same geographic location.  All discovered in the past twenty years, they’re a powerful testament to earth’s profusion. (At Feature, Inc’s group show ‘Punt’ on the Lower East Side through Dec 22nd.)

Kutlug Ataman at Sperone Westwater

Kutlug Ataman, installation view of 'Mayhem,' 7 channel video projection, 2011.
Kutlug Ataman, installation view of ‘Mayhem,’ 7 channel video projection, 2011.

Step into the entrance of Turkish artist Kutlug Ataman’s latest solo at Sperone Westwater and you step into the flow of the Iguazu Falls in Argentina…or at least a projection of them in ‘Mayhem,’ a seven channel installation on screens and the floor. Ataman explains the piece as a response to the Arab Spring as it symbolizes cleansing and destroying power. (At Sperone Westwater on the Lower East Side through Dec 22nd).

Leo Villareal on the 6 train platform at Bleeker

Leo Villareal, Hive (Bleeker Street), LED tubes, custom software, electrical hardware, aluminum, stainless steel, 2012.
Leo Villareal, Hive (Bleeker Street), LED tubes, custom software, electrical hardware, aluminum, stainless steel, 2012.

Not every piece of art commissioned by the Metropolitan Transit Authority ends up looking great in the subway system, but that’s not the case with this instantly enticing new installation by noted light artist Leo Villareal titled ‘Hive (Bleeker Street)’ on the uptown 6 platform at Bleeker.  Created from LED tubes, aluminum and stainless steel, the honeycomb patterned lights constantly shift color, creating a welcome distraction for worker bees. (On permanent display).

Daniel Joseph Martinez at Simon Preston Gallery

Daniel Joseph Martinez, A Story for Tomorrow in 4 Chapters, Dostoevsky Loved the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Muhammad Ali & Dandelions, Lick My Hunch!, archival pigment print with UV finishing coating, 2010-2012.
Daniel Joseph Martinez, A Story for Tomorrow in 4 Chapters, Dostoevsky Loved the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Muhammad Ali & Dandelions, Lick My Hunch!, archival pigment print with UV finishing coating, 2010-2012.

Never one to shy away from controversy, Daniel Joseph Martinez’s latest body of work at Simon Preston Gallery features a hunchbacked figure in a Pope’s mitre, praying on an Afghan prayer rug, and tattooed with ‘blasphemous inscriptions in Hebrew, Arabic and Latin’ (according to the gallery handout).   Is this social commentary or overkill?  (Through Dec 23rd.)

Kent Rogowski at Jen Bekman Gallery

Kent Rogowski, 'I Can't Stop Thinking About Yesterday,' aluminum, plexi, lights, unique.
Kent Rogowski, ‘I Can’t Stop Thinking About Yesterday,’ aluminum, plexi, lights, unique.

Why does Kent Rogowski’s light sculpture ‘I Can’t Stop Thinking About Yesterday’ strike me as having excellent gift potential (for the right situation)?  Too bold to be a declaration of love, it could be a stunningly straightforward way of starting an apology. (At Jen Bekman on Spring nr Bowery, through Dec 9th).