Jacob Kassay at The Kitchen

Jacob Kassay, installation view of Untitled (disambiguation), 2012.
Jacob Kassay, installation view of Untitled (disambiguation), 2012.

Jacob Kassay’s electroplated canvases – paintings made with old photographic processes – became better known in the past year or so for their astronomical prices than their artistic merit.  In Kassay’s current show at The Kitchen one of the signature silver-colored pieces sits in the gallery corner behind a beam, an unambiguous message that the artist has moved on. (At The Kitchen through Feb 16th).

Jacob Kassy, installation view of Untitled (disambiguation), 2012.
Jacob Kassy, installation view of Untitled (disambiguation), 2012.

Robin Rhode at Lehmann Maupin

Robin Rhodes, Paries Pictus - Color in the Pictures, vinyl and oil crayons in custom box, 2013.
Robin Rhodes, Paries Pictus – Color in the Pictures, vinyl and oil crayons in custom box, 2013.

Kids from PS 63 in the South Bronx discovered that coloring with crayons isn’t as easy as it seems…At least not when the crayons are over two feet long.  Berlin-based South African artist Robin Rhode created wall decals and handed over the crayons, letting the children discover that being an artist can be hard work.  (At Lehmann Maupin’s Lower East Side Gallery through March 16th).

Louise Despont at Nichelle Beauchene Gallery

Louise Despont, Serpens, graphite and colored pencil on antique ledger book pages, 2012.
Louise Despont, Serpens, graphite and colored pencil on antique ledger book pages, 2012.

Louise Despont brings together representations of the constellations Ophichus and Serpens with Persian carpet imagery in her amazingly intricate graphite and colored pencil drawing, ‘Serpens.’  Created on collected vintage accounting ledgers, this labor intensive piece wows with its detail and evocation of esoteric bodies of knowledge.  (At Nichelle Beauchene Gallery’s new Lower East Side location, 327 Broome Street through Jan 20th.)

David Humphreys at Fredricks & Freiser

David Humphrey, Cement Truck, acrylic on canvas, 2012.
David Humphrey, Cement Truck, acrylic on canvas, 2012.dai

A cement truck crashes on an empty highway whose grey surface is mirrored in the air, the red color from the hood bleeds onto the roadway, forming a colorful abstraction, while a skinny kid in an astronaut’s helmet looks on.  It could only be a painting by David Humphry, whose signature mix of abstraction and realism, saturated colors and colliding stories awaken possibilities for strange stories.  (At Fredricks & Freiser through Jan 19th).

David LaChapelle at Paul Kasmin Gallery

David LaChapelle, installation view of 'Still Lives' at Paul Kasmin Gallery, Jan 2013.
David LaChapelle, installation view of ‘Still Lives’ at Paul Kasmin Gallery, Jan 2013.

Former celebrity photographer David LaChapelle creates an uncomfortable memento mori for the jet set in his latest solo show at Paul Kasmin Gallery with ‘Still Life,’ a series begun after the National Wax Museum in Dublin was vandalized in 2009.  Here, the Prince of Wales lies shattered in a box next to Heath Ledger & near Cameron Diaz. (Through Jan 19th).