Mariah Dekkenga in ‘Post-Analogue Painting’ at The Hole NYC

Mariah Dekkenga’s vibrantly colored untitled abstraction is a standout in The Hole’s ‘post-analogue’ painting group show on the LES. Developed in Adobe Illustrator and transferred to canvas by hand, Dekkenga’s paintings feature obviously hand-applied thick paint as well as blurs and gradients that suggest the digital. (Through May 24th).

Mariah Dekkenga, Untitled (6), oil and acrylic on linen, 32 x 64 inches, 2015.

KATSU at The Hole NYC

Brooklyn-based artist KATSU is known for semi-abstract paintings created by drone; here at The Hole, a cluster of ceramic drone sculptures periodically disappears in a cloud of vape-generated smoke. (On the Lower East Side through Feb 22nd).

KATSU, Ceramic drone swarm, ceramic stoneware, 15 x 15 x 3 inches, 2014-2015.

Rose Eken at The Hole NYC

Danish artist Rose Eken lovingly recreates an imagined punk rock venue cum anthropological display with her ‘Remain in Light’ installation at The Hole. Here, she’s arranged cigarette lighters, butts, matches, beer bottles, amps and many, many more artifacts handmade from paperclay in what the gallery calls, ‘…a personalized memorial to NYC’s dwindling lawless zones and the mayhem they contained.’ (Through Nov 2nd).

Rose Eken, installation view of ‘Remain in Light’ at The Hole, Oct, 2014.