Jose Parla at Mary Boone Gallery & Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery

Once a street artist, now an artist inspired by the
histories of the built environment, Jose Parla adds layers of posters, grime
and brightly colored paint to faux fragments of wall currently on view at Bryce
Wolkowitz Gallery and Mary Boone Gallery. 
Considering that the block on which these galleries stand has been
largely rebuilt in the past several years, Parla’s treasuring of fragments from
the past has particular resonance. 
(Through Oct 31st).

Jose Parla, installation view at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery,
Sept 2015.

KAWS at Mary Boone Gallery

In the Chelsea tradition of bigger is better, New York based artist and designer KAWS presents two huge sculptures – each over 18 feet high – at Mary Boone Gallery that show his signature COMPANION figures in states of distress.  The gallery has been packed with visitors…but many fans don’t necessarily make for a good show.  Why do you think these works such a draw?   (In Chelsea through Dec 21st).

KAWS, Along the Way, 216” x 176” x 120,” wood, 2013.