Tiny: Streetwise Revisited at Aperture Foundation

Aperture’s exhibition ‘Tiny: Streetwise Revisited’ is a fascinating glimpse into the life of Tiny, the petite Seattle teen memorably photographed in 1983 by Mary Ellen Mark for Life magazine and filmed by her filmmaker husband Martin Bell for his 1984 documentary Streetwise. As a young woman in this photo, she dreams of having riches and a family of 10 kids. In the exhibition, Mark follows Tiny as she fulfills her second wish as poverty and addiction define her life. (In Chelsea through June 30th).

Installation view of ‘Tiny:  Streetwise Revisited’ at Aperture Foundation, June 2016.
Installation view of ‘Tiny: Streetwise Revisited’ at Aperture Foundation, June 2016.

Surface Tension at FLAG Art Foundation

It’s always a treat to see work by Ghanaian artist El Anatsui, known for repurposing materials like printing plates and liquor bottle caps into beautiful abstract sculpture. This piece opens the show ‘Surface Tension’ at Chelsea’s FLAG Art Foundation, a timely selection of work by a multi-generational selection of artists who create dramatic tension on 2-D surfaces. (Through Dec 12th).

El Anatsui, Telesma, mixed media, found aluminum and copper wire, 96 x 116 inches, 2014.

Beth Galton in ‘Aperture Summer Open’ at Aperture Foundation

If Dunkin’ Donuts used this image by Beth Galton in their advertising, I’d buy. Would you? (Though it is reminiscent of the anti-obesity ads on the subway…) (At Aperture Foundation in Chelsea through August 15th.)

Beth Galton, Coffee and Donut; from the series Cut Food, 2012.

Naotaka Hiro in ‘East Side to the West Side’ at Flag Art Foundation

Split down the middle and at the sides, this cast body in aluminum by LA artist Naotaka Hiro, succinctly describes a divided psyche, even summoning an animal body. The cast negative space between the legs resembles a phallus but was created by absence, making this enigmatic artwork strikingly poignant. (At Flag Art Foundation in Chelsea through August 8th).

Naotaka Hiro, Four-Legged (Toe to Heel), aluminum, wood, 18 x 20 x 65 inches, 2014.