With oppressive systems as his theme, British artist Adam McEwan presents sculptures of supercomputers that move data, a rendition of airport security trays and this walk-in sculpture of the letter ‘K.’ The letter stands in for Kafka and a character in ‘The Trial’ as well as a hieroglyph for an open hand. The most convincing way to understand the mood of the piece, however, is to climb the terrifyingly steep stairs. (At Petzel Gallery through April 30th).

Adam McEwan, Staircase, wood, steel, 18’ – 10” x 12’ – 11 5/8” x 3’ – 10 1/4,” 2016.
Adam McEwan, Staircase, wood, steel, 18’ – 10” x 12’ – 11 5/8” x 3’ – 10 1/4,” 2016.