Kazuko Miyamoto at Zuricher Gallery

Kazuko Miyamoto’s ‘Female I’ reclines along the floor of Zuricher Gallery like a taught, transparent odalisque, a shifting combination of representational form and pure abstraction that rethinks minimalism’s relationship to the organic world. (On the Lower East Side through Oct 22nd).

Kazuko Miyamoto, Female I, black string and nails on board, 28 x 28 x 91 inches, 1977-2017.

Alicia Gibson in ‘X’ at Lyles & King

Alicia Gibson’s charmingly messy abstraction revels in the possibilities of nail decoration and personal expression in ‘Nail Polishing Club remix.’ Gumdrops, hats and very celebratory tombstones come to mind in this riotous appreciation of a female art. (In ‘X’ at Lyles & King through Aug 12th).

Alicia Gibson, Nail Polishing Club remix, oil, ink, spray paint, and burlap on canvas, 60 x 48 inches, 2016.
Alicia Gibson, Nail Polishing Club remix, oil, ink, spray paint, and burlap on canvas, 60 x 48 inches, 2016.